Pino vs. City of Albuquerque

On Thursday, July 23, 2020, Alexandra Freedman Smith (Law Office of Alexandra Freedman Smith, LLC) and co-counsel David Freedman (Freedman Boyd Hollander Goldberg Urias & Ward, P.A.) were successful in certifying the Class in Pino v. City of Albuquerque, a Collective Action pursuant to the New Mexico Fair Pay for Women Act, to recover back wages and other benefits for female employees who worked at the City of Albuquerque between May 9, 2013 until July 23, 2020. The case will now move forward with the Notice stage. Class members have one hundred (100) days to opt in for inclusion in the Action. 

If you wish to find out if you are a member of the Class and/or join this Class and obtain any benefits from the lawsuit,you may do one of the following:

(1) complete a “Consent to Join Suit” form (prepaid and addressed postcard) and return it to the lawyers representing the Plaintiffs and the Class no later than November 18, 2020;

(2) visit;

(3) call Class counsel at (505) 200-2331;


(4) email counsel for the Class at [email protected] and request a copy of the complete Notice and a “Consent to Join Suit” form.